Ressourcen Anwendungshinweis

Zeige 1 - 10 von 20 Ergebnissen

Moisture Determination of Chocolate with Precisa Moisture Analyzers

The determination of moisture content is important within many areas of the food industry. Such areas include raw materials and incoming goods inspections, during production and storage, within quality control and in new product development. To ensure optimum food quality and safety, the level of moisture is carefully measured and controlled.

Application Note: Ash and Moisture Analysis with prepASH® 340 Series for Ash in Sugarcane Fibre

Nowadays there is an intensive search for clean and renewable energy sources to replace part of fossil energy.
In Brazil the sugarcane appears as the best option for a renewable source of energy. Sugarcane can supply energy through two products: biomass and ethanol. The biggest source of biomass as a source of energy is the bagasse of the sugarcane, which is directly burnt in boilers, in the so-called system co-generation.

Application Note: Sulfated Ash with prepASH® 340 Series

Ashing test procedures performed on pharmaceutical, polymer, and food samples frequently involve the use of H2SO4 resulting in sulfated ash.

The Ecologic and Economic Benefits of a Hybrid Weighing Cell in Balances, Scales, and Industrial Applications

Not prominently visible, weighing cells are being used in a wide range of industries.The evolution of the weighing cell starts with the substitution balance which has been replaced by the electromagnetic force compensation principle. Further development went into the direction of monolithic weighing cell design and the latest technology is a hybrid solution, offering ecologic and economic benefits.

Application Note: Thermogravimetry for the Determination of the Loss on Ignition on Petrochemical Catalysts

The Loss on Ignition (LOI) is an important analytical parameter in the assay of petrochemical catalysts. This paper by Dr. Sc. Dirk Hofmans, Manager of Analytical Laboratory at Umicore, shows the excellent repeatability and precision of a Precisa prepASH automatic drying and ashing furnace for the determination of Loss on Ignition in petrochemical catalysts.

Application Note: Moisture Determination of Rice

Read our latest Application note determining the moisture content of rice using Precisa's XM60/120 Moisture Analyser. Available online.

Application Note: Lactose Analysis for Pharmaceuticals

Read our latest Application note of Lactose Analysis for Pharmaceuticals using Precisa's prepASH 340 Series. Available online.

Application Note: Moisture Determination of Cement

This information on the moisture content determination of cement is intended as a guideline for development of a moisture analysis method and parameter setting.

Application Note: Moisture Determination of Cement Raw Mix

This information on the moisture determination of cement raw mix is intended as a guideline for development of a moisture analysis method and parameter setting.

Application Note: Methods for Moisture Determination with XM60

Precisa Gravimetrics have developed a wide range of application notes for different materials. Please find below a list of our library of applications.